Business Data Exchange Committee

Mission Statement: The Business Data Exchange Parent Committee works with standards for electronic business to business data for retail, lottery and motor fuels.  The mission of the Business Data Exchange Committee is to develop and/or adopt standards for doing business electronically in the areas of retail merchandise, order to payment process, lottery accounting reconciliation, and motor fuels data flow. The Committee has both supplier and retailer members.

Active Projects:
The Business Data Exchange Committee and Working Groups seek active participation of retailers and suppliers. Retailers are especially needed to ensure that the standards are moving in the direction that will best satisfy retailers' needs both now and in the foreseeable future. Additional supplier participation will ensure that the standards accurately reflect the capabilities of current and future systems. The industry will greatly benefit as the developed standards gain greater traction in the marketplace. The Committee is currently working on new work initiatives of Supply Chain Optimization and Price Book Synchronization.  The committee is also focused on education around benefits of electronic data exchange, including moving to APIs for the purpose of exchanging electronic data in the supply chain and improving efficiency.

Portions of the Conexxus-NAXML Standard developed by these working groups have been implemented by several of the major CPG companies, state lottery authorities and oil companies/petroleum marketers.  There are benefits to be gained by both suppliers and retailers when these standards are implemented and companies start "Doing Business Electronically." 


The Committee Chair is Gabe Olives with W Capra.
The Vice Chair is Daniel Gaddy with TXB Stores.

Last updated:  January 27, 2022