API Resources

Conexxus Members: for additional API Resources, please click here to navigate to the members only API Resources page. 

API Data Dictionary White Paper

This paper describes the benefits of creating and maintaining the Joint API Data Dictionary, the system of core definitions provided by the Open Retailing project that will ensure consistent data terminology used in applicable information technology systems. Consistency allows developers to create interoperable APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) quickly and effectively. Open Retailing serves the Transportation, Energy, and Convenience retail industry, and the API Data Dictionary streamlines the construction of interfaces and data structures for that industry. Though the dictionary is commonly used in Open Retailing Standards, it is proposed for use in other standards, as well as in proprietary industry interfaces within organizations, resulting in user benefits throughout all of these cases.



API Interactive Overview

Move your way through this interactive graphic to explore the APIs being developed on the forecourt, in the store, and in the cloud.  Bring a visual clarity to the power of APIs for your organization, as well as for the experiences of your employees and customers!

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Joint API Data Dictionary

The API Data Dictionary is jointly owned by IFSF (www.ifsf.org) and Conexxus, and shared in order to assist in the use of our international standards.  V1.0 of the dictionary is open to the public and everybody is allowed to use it.  Future versions may be made available to the public as well.  We expect many users will find the Dictionary helpful to understand retail fueling and convenience and to define further innovative and collaborative APIs.

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API Development Roadmap

View the Conexxus/Open Retailing development roadmap for APIs.



API Design Rules for JSON 

This document describes the Open Retailing (fuel retailing and convenience store) style guidelines for the use of JSON based APIs, including property and object naming conventions. These guidelines are based on best practice gleaned from IFSF, Conexxus, OMG (IXRetail), W3C, Amazon, Open API Standard and other industry bodies.



API Implementation Guide - Security 

This document describes the Fuel Retailing and Convenience Store API implementation guidelines for security.



API Implementation Guide - Transport Alternatives

This document describes the Fuel Retailing and Convenience Store transport layer alternatives for RESTful web services carrying JSON based APIs.



Design Rules for APIs OAS 3.0 

This document describes the Open Retailing (fuel retailing and convenience store) style guidelines for the use of RESTful Web Service APIs, specifically the use of the OAS3.0 file format and referencing of relevant JSON Schemas from that file. These guidelines are based on best practice gleaned from OMG (IXRetail), W3C, Amazon, Open API Standard and other industry bodies.

These guidelines are not to be considered a primer for how to create APIs.  There are thousands of documents and blog posts about APIs and best-practices for creating them.  This guide is rather a set of practices to serve as “guardrails” to ensure that Open Retailing APIs have a consistent design.



API Webinars

Each week Conexxus hosts webinars on a variety of topics, including webinars on APIs through our educational series Conexxus365.  Visit our full list of webinars on conexxus365.org to find those that are available on-demand and coming up live.

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For Frequently Asked Questions about the Conexxus or Open Retailing repositories, please visit:   https://openretailing.org/faqs.html  Here you will find questions and answers on APIs, Git, GitLab, setting up SourceTree, generating SSH keys, the API Data Dictionary, available tools, simulators, and much more.


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