Payment System Product Codes, Conexxus Codes, PCATS Codes, NACS Codes... What are these codes and where do I find them?
The Conexxus Payment System Product Codes (formerly known as PCATS Product Codes) are a mapping of products sold in a transaction to standardized three-digit codes. Some codes (particularly fuel product codes) are very granular, (i.e., a different code is used for each grade and type of fuel). Other codes are broader and used to identify groups of products (e.g., salty snacks). The Conexxus Payment System Product Codes ensure consistency from each site to the host payment system and subsequent transaction data reconciliation and reporting. These codes are publicly available (documentation) and a schema mapping is available to all Conexxus members. Members, to view the available documentation and schema mapping, please visit the Standards Page.
What’s the difference between product codes and category codes?
The NACS Category Definitions are six position numeric fields that provide a framework for retailers and manufacturers to have meaningful discussions regarding market performance comparisons and establish performance benchmarks. Maintained by NACS, these are available to download free of charge from the NACS website (
The Conexxus Payment System Product Codes are three-digit codes used in payment transactions sent to a host payment system. The codes, which convey the products sold in the transaction in a standard way, are available for download at the Public Standards Page.
To learn more about the standards that Conexxus offers, visit our standards abstract page.