FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | Contact: John Hervey |
March 16, 2004 | [email protected] |
(703) 518-4297 |
PCATS Conducts First Vendor – Retailer Forum in Greensboro, NC to Overflow Attendance Alexandria, VA – July 15, 2004 – The Petroleum Convenience Alliance for Technology Standards held it’s first vendor and retailer supplier forum in Greensboro, NC, on July 14, 2004. The forum was designed for PCATS retailer members in NC to invite their major retail merchandise suppliers to a forum to hear about how these trading partners could begin to exchange electronic invoicing and pricebook information economically, effectively, and efficiently using standards developed and supported by PCATS. The standards are built upon the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and are called PCATS-NAXML. The meeting provided information on the use of the standards and featured presentations by retailers and suppliers who are presently using the standards to exchange business information. PCATS retailer members participating included The Pantry and Lee Moore Oil Company of Sanford, NC, Petro Express of Charlotte, NC. Vendors participating included Coca-Cola Customer Business Solutions, PepisCo, Frito-Lay, Anheuser-Busch, MDI, Wise Products, (fill in vendor names).